Neighbours, everybody needs good neighbours

In close collaboration with SSF Stöldskyddsföreningen Esatto has developed a new app for Grannsamverkan (Neighbourhood watch), read more about the work behind, download it and sleep better.

Neighbourhood Watch cooperation (Grannsamverkan) is a crime prevention method and activity that is administered and financed by the network Samverkan mot brott (SAMBO). SAMBO consists of the SSF Theft Protection Association, the Police, the Crime Prevention Council (BRÅ), Sweden's Municipalities and Regions (SKR), Trygg Hansa, Folksam, If, Länsförsäkringar, Dina Försäkringar, Villaägarna, the Renters' Association, the Crime Victims' Center (Boj) and Riksbyggen. Operations are conducted locally between the police and residents in residential areas.
Since 2015, SSF Stöldskyddsföreningen has been the head of the Neighbourhood Watch Partnership, responsible for administration, equipment, marketing and information to the local actors.

Neighbourhood Watch cooperation works to make residential areas less attractive to criminal activity by raising awareness among residents and providing knowledge about self-protection. The goal is to reduce crime and increase security through improved security and increased quality of life in residential areas through social networks and cooperation between residents and the police.

Esatto has been entrusted with developing a new app for Grannsamverkan, available for both iOS and Android, with the aim of facilitating communication between neighbours, informing about local events, sharing information and tips and creating a sense of community. In addition, it is important that the app can provide users with information about current criminal cases to increase awareness and engagement. Another important part was to enable secure login via BankID and establish a platform for direct communication between the Police and residents in Neighbourhood Watch cooperation areas.


One of the challenges was that Grannsamverkan's existing app was outdated with technical flaws and did not meet the users' needs. The technical problems affected the performance of the app, which led to users instead choosing competitors and other means of communication, which in turn affected trust in Grannsamverkan. New rules from BankID in the spring of 2024 also required an updated BankID integration to comply with the new directives.


The new app has been designed with a focus on simplicity and ease of use to attract and retain users. We have also had a big focus on accessibility to include more users. By using the latest technology and implementing regular updates, the stability and reliability of the app is ensured. A new BankID integration has been developed to meet the new directives and ensure smooth user authentication. By emphasizing the wider role of Neighbourhood Watch Cooperation in crime prevention, the app is positioned to communicate the benefits of working with neighbours to increase safety in residential areas.


The Neighbourhood Watch Cooperation app was launched in its first new version in May 2024. An important part of the initial launch was to collect feedback from users to adapt and improve the service based on real user needs and wishes. We continue to develop the service continuously now and in the coming years to ensure it remains efficient and tailored to the needs of members.

Interested in learning more? Please feel free to reach out.
Johan Söderberg
es.ottase@grebredos.nahoj070-245 33 97